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Eckville is a community of 1,100 between Sylvan Lake and Rocky Mountain House, AB along the Hwy 11 corridor. There is only one other mainline church in our town and no other evangelical churches. There have been several attempts at other church plants by other denominations over the years, but none have lasted. We average about 50 in attendance, and range in ages, with a good number of young families. Since we are part of the Alliance Community Church (Sylvan Lake) family, many of our ministries are supported by the main campus. Since we do not have our own building, many of our regular mid-week ministries take place in homes.

Partner with Us

Through Alliance Community Church designated to "Eckville Alliance Community Church."

5011 51 Ave

Eckville, AB

T0M 0X0

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Service Times

Sundays at 10:30am