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At Capstone Church we exist to show and share the kindness of Jesus by blessing our city, dressing the poor, and starting other churches that do the same.

We began meeting publicly in September of 2014 and we have been overwhelmed at the power of Jesus Christ to change people's lives. Capstone is a place where new friendships are made quickly, where we can serve in our community organically, through playground builds, by serving and empowering the working poor, through relationships, coffees and new ventures. We also are able to be more transparent with our failures, strengths, and the ways in which Jesus is working in our lives. This season is full of challenge and beauty, and full of God's promise to be with us, and to use us to help other people meet Jesus.

Partner with Us

Through Rockpointe Church, designated to "Capstone Church."

1002 37 St. SW

Calgary, AB

T3C 1S1

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Service Times

Sundays at 10:00am