By: Rose Amer
A new girl started her journey this year with us at Niagara Falls International Ministries. She comes from a Hindi background. After attending our Alpha course for 4 weeks, she asked for the Bible.
Today I shared 1 John 2:15 with her over text and she sent me this text in reply: Thank you d (she calls me “d-” which means “big sister” in Hindi) for today's lesson. I am proud to be part of your community." Her words brought tears to my eyes and I felt a confirmation of my calling once again.
This girl is proud to be a part of our community, which means the life and ministry that we share with her is reflecting the love of Christ. She feels she is accepted here and feels like she is a part of our "Christian community" though she is not a Christian herself yet.
I am so proud that Christ is the head of our community and we are never ashamed to share this truth. I thank my fellow ministry team for their faithfulness and thank Glengate Church for walking with us.
…at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth… (Phil. 2:10)