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Great things happen when the church knows that it exists not for the good of those within, but for those within its community.

Check out this great story from Cayuga Community Church New Venture, from steering committee member Mark Gibson:

"Our vision at Cayuga Community Church is to see Cayuga connected—to God, to other people and to community. So, it was awesome when our congregation–both kids and adults–recently rallied together to solve a problem in the neighbourhood.

"A short time ago, a number of girls in town were informed that there were not enough kids to make up a girls baseball team. As a result, they were encouraged to sign up for the boys team. For various reasons the girls where not allowed to play for the team, leaving their dreams of playing ball crushed. That is until a few of the girls in our church, together with their dads, rallied together and created an opportunity for kids to play baseball through word of mouth, social media and connecting with the three local public schools.

"As a result, the dream of playing ball is a reality for the girls in our community. A number of the girls who couldn't otherwise afford it are actually playing as a result of generous donations. In addition, our members rallied together to sponsor the team on behalf of the church. To top it all off, our dads are coaching it!

All summer the good work these kids and families did will be displayed to our communities, and as a result of this there have already been countless great conversations and connections between our church and the community."

What a great witness to a God who loves caring for the good of all cities through His church.

Visit their profile to learn how you can support the Cayuga Community Church New Venture.