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On July 1st, Midtown Alliance Church (a New Venture) switched names to become “The Living Room Church.”

We look forward to celebrating this new chapter in the life of their church with them as they have a celebration party on November 4th, but in the meantime wanted to share with you some of their unique New Ventures journey. Listen in as Bernard Tam (lead pastor) shares their story:

Midtown Toronto (Yonge/Eglinton area), is a vibrant and growing neighbourhood and has been known as a destination for many young urban professionals (many of whom are second generation Canadians). It was back in 2009 when some international Alliance workers returned home that the idea of launching a New Venture in this area was birthed. Their hope was to see a church planted which would challenge cultural norms and embrace a generation that was hurting, seeking, and full of potential.

The New Venture had a humble beginning, starting with renting a local Reformed church and then gathering in an elementary school. In these early months, a season of coaching and discussion, we came up with our vision: to be the presence of Christ in Midtown. Looking back, there was something intentionally tangible and incarnational even within the beginning of our vision.

For the ensuing season it felt like things were moving and going well, as our Sunday morning numbers seemed to be growing. However, we experienced a sudden turnover and change in our community. This was definitely a season of mourning, but also reflection. God seemed to be directing us back to a plan that He had been orchestrating since the beginning. A book that had been given to the leadership team early on in the journey seemed to indicate our way forward. This book was AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay. The premise of this book is to encourage the development of a community that gathers together for worship and celebration but then scatters into the mission field together. Towards the end of this season we realized that God had been moving us to step out in faith and try something a little different: an incarnational house church model.

After more wrestling and discernment, our church decided to attempt a hybrid house church model; hybrid because for 2 weeks of the month, the community meets in homes throughout the city, and for 2 weeks all of the house churches gather together corporately. The house churches have allowed us to discover a tangible, incarnational and missional way of life together. At the same time, the large gatherings are important because they remind our church community that we are part of the larger “capital C” Church. It also gives us a place for common teaching, prayer and sharing the Eucharist together.

As our church continued to cultivate this rhythm of life together we began to explore a clear way of describing ourselves. Eventually we discerned that God had given us a new name to describe our community: "The Living Room Church."

For three reasons we believe that this name reflects who we are:

  • We are a church that meets in the living rooms of some of our members.
  • We recognize that The Living Room is only alive because the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of those in our community. It is in Jesus that this community is living.
  • We understand that Jesus was described at numerous times and places reclining with people. This is something that we believe is the modern day living room: a space where people recline and live life together (especially in the Midtown community).

For two years God has guided us on this journey towards becoming "The Living Room Church." Our practices and how we do ministry are nothing like we imagined they would be at the beginning. For example, our English Conversation classes were once just a Tuesday evening gathering for international students. But once the idea of “house church” became our ethos, we decided to form house churches that would gather facilitators and international students together to explore and experience the tangible presence of Jesus.

As we continue to journey forward we know that God is preparing us to train, equip and release simple house churches from Midtown to beyond. The Living Room will continue to be a network of support, equipping and oversight body for all the house churches. This is going to be an exciting season for The Living Room Church, and we are looking forward to this new year together.

Please pray alongside us for God to continue to stir in the hearts of people to be faithful witnesses in the neighbourhood and for God to bring labourers in these plentiful neighbourhoods. We are praying for growth in house church leaders, multiplication and gospel neighbourhood impact. Thank you for your partnership and journeying alongside us.

Visit The Living Room Church website to learn more.