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We have had our first financial blip. Up until now we have always had enough money to pay all of our bills and to fund all initiatives. When we took over care of our finances in September 2013 there were a number of new additional expenses that became ours. Some of these were immediate and some were time deferred. The big hit came in January when we received bills for a number of months blocked together, our rent increased, we had additional December spending and a very low November giving. We came down to the bottom of our account and on more than one occasion that month I had to rush to the bank to pre-tithe in cash to keep cheques from bouncing. Needless to say it was a stressful time, and questions also flooded in. It is easy to see how even a small monthly support cheque could help us greatly.

The great news is that, as we invested in pastoring and caring for people money began coming in from completely unexpected sources. People who might have been non-supporters of our ministry became supporters of what we had done. They were blessed and so were we and God once again showed himself to be our provider.

We are learning much about provision and I am more and more convinced that God has our back, and that my God is for me. I’ve realized, however, that I need to know that I need it before He provides. Provision has come for us in the forms of divine healing, clothing, the opening of closed doors on the part of institutions, favour in the community, new attendees, and finances. God continues to provide for us faithfully and consistently, but we must feel the need. We must never mistake what is happening as anything other than God's favour and provision for us. It is not by our strength, but by his grace and mercy that we continue to exist. As we become more aware of God's movements around us, we get to regularly see and celebrate his great works. It is faith-stretching and nerve-tingling and we get to laugh at ourselves so much as God reminds us of our need for humility and trust in him.