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New Ventures seeks to welcome the unexpected, surrending our own agenda to the new things God is doing.

This year at General Assembly 2018 for the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada, we released a video highlighting the story of Jonathan Chan, who began a New Venture in a corporate setting called Company of Disciples.

As part of Assembly, Ryan Graham, Director of Envision Canada, shared about the meaning behind our name, New Ventures, saying that this branch of our denominational family does not intend to start new "churches" only, but also to develop new leaders in new places who are listening to the kind of gathering God is calling them to start. These expressions of the gospel may not look or feel like the church models we're used to, but we need to be able to say to our young leaders: "I don't get it, but I'm going to empower it."

Ryan encouraged our leaders to be attentive to key definining moments in Jonathan's story as presented in this video, and to be attentive to similar moments which may reveal themselves in the lives of potential young leaders in our own congregations.

You can watch all the videos from General Assembly here, including this video, recording Ryan's presentation.

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