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We're off to the races by keeping in step with the Spirit. The first main activity He had us participate in during our very first quarter was an August spiritual retreat, designed to build trust and teamwork. We also sought the Lord’s guidance as to the values that would shape our mission going forward. The Lord was truly present with us that weekend as our team departed the retreat more closely bonded in Christ. 

Coming out of the retreat, the core team sensed God calling us to regular gatherings, and for the last few months, we have been meeting, worshipping, praying and engaging in mission in the heart of Coldwater on Sunday afternoons. As word of our gatherings has spread, we have seen new partners join us for fellowship. 

We have so far enjoyed a number of Sunday afternoon gatherings, which has served to send out workers into the “harvest field” of Coldwater equipped and prepared to share the love of Christ. As of the writing of this quarterly report, we have made two dozen new connections with individuals in the area. We are now actively seeking the Spirit’s sanctifying power to be unleashed on these individuals so that the fruit of the Gospel will grow. 

As we look to the winter months, we anticipate new and fresh ways of seeing God's grace and love flowing in action. Thank you again for your continuing support for the Coldwater New Venture. May God continue to bless all of us abundantly as we seek to make life-long disciples for His Son Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Chris Cooke (Lead Pastor Coldwater New Venture)