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This story comes from one of our ministry team members, Laura Feenstra.

Ministry members at Church at the Manor believe that 2015 will be a year of breakthrough. In the eight months since our first church service in one of the most unlikely places, the lives that have been changed speak of God’s relentless pursuit of His kids.

For decades, the Manor has been a place where the lives of men and women have been destroyed, but God redeems what the devil means to ruin. The place where women’s freedoms were lost will become a place of rescue and safety, a safe-house where women can get off the streets.

This past Christmas, we had a couple from Vancouver sponsor a party for the Manor. It was a wonderful celebration with delicious food and men serving in bow ties, honouring the people who live there. Laughter and joy filled the room as a cartoon artist captured the guests. Decorations brightened up the place.

As wonderful as it all was, I will never forget the sobering moment when I went upstairs to visit a friend and bring him lunch. When he finally opened up the door, he was sobbing and shaking. He held onto me in a crushing grip and cried. I felt numb returning to the festivities and could not shake the feeling that we are all to be part of God's plan in fighting on their behalf so that they can experience God’s joy and freedom.

The people who attend Church at the Manor are very hungry. One man who regularly attends normally calls me all kinds of names. One week, he was nice, which surprised me. I asked him why he was happy and he replied, "I had supper last night."

Another man, who is normally bouncy and happy, stood hunched over and rocked back and forth. When I asked him how he was doing, he simply said, "I'm just so hungry." The food is vital to them as some often go an entire week without nutrition. The Manor’s hospitality team is a huge part of the ministry!

Please keep praying for Church at the Manor. A strong spiritual battle is constantly waged over the ministry. Each and every week, team members and those they are serving are faced with spirits of oppression, addiction, illness, resentment, fear, and so on. God is moving, and he is causing havoc on the strongholds that have taken residence there.

Our God is Marching On

A man came up to the food table and filled a plate and tried to leave unnoticed. I felt a nudge to intercept. He told me, "I want nothing to do with God. I hate him and can't stand to listen to anyone that wants to tell me he's good."

I replied, "Okay, that's fine. Would you like more sandwiches?" He was startled by my response, but he accepted more food and continued to explain why he hated God. My eyes stung with tears and I could only say, "I'm so sorry." He thanked me and left.

He returned the next week and asked me to sit and have a coffee with him. He shared in confidence about the things that happened in his life. As more walls come down, they open up a bit more.

The man has been out every week since. He recently told me that he was planning to commit suicide the week we sat together but decided that he wasn’t ready to leave. God is not finished with him!

The battle rages! The team at the Manor are at war for their lives. Thank you for lifting us up in prayer for discernment, wisdom, and safety for the members of the church, ourselves, and our families. We appreciate it and desperately need more of your prayers as we continue to serve in God’s army of redemption.