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We are thrilled to announce that Faith Christian Alliance became an official church of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada as they signed their resolutions on July 9th.

Launched with a vision to establish a new church that was welcoming and accessible to new Canadians, this church plant is today a thriving community located along the 401 corridor in the West area of Toronto. Their journey as a New Venture was quite rapid as they were also celebrating the one year anniversary of their official launch.

Several visitors to the celebration service included neighbouring Filipino churches, and leadership from Filipino Alliance Church of Toronto, the church which partnered to launch this new expression. With special music, dance and a message that reminded its hearers to keep stepping out in faith, God’s love was celebrated lavishly. The service concluded with a feast of a meal for all who attended.

Signs of health were plenty as a youth worship team has emerged under the leadership of Rodrigo Felomino Jr. who also leads the youth ministry.

It is exciting to see God’s faithfulness to this church plant’s mission to reach out to all nations. Faith Christian Alliance has established a healthy home on Saturday nights in the Bathhurst and Lawrence area of Toronto - continue to pray for them!

Check out more photos on our Facebook page.