There was a sense of excitement in the air as visitors, guests and congregation members filled the seats around the baptism tub and communion tables. On Sunday November 19
The Gathering celebrated its first baptism.
Launched in Hamilton, ON in early 2016, The Gathering meets in the large lobby of the Perkins Centre, a government subsidized apartment unit that houses three floors of tenants.
Early on Pastor Calvin Lam and his team recognized that God was calling their church to build bridges between the steadily growing number of tenants joining their community (many of whom struggle with mental health issues) and the younger demographic that also attend.
The young man being baptized shared how he used to seek different ways to fit in, whether through substance use or shoplifting. After being brought to The Gathering and gradually getting involved with the community over the year, he then attended their missions trip to Thailand in which he and the team were involved in street ministry, both in the slums and with workers in the Red Light District. Ultimately, he found identity and community in Jesus Christ.
“It was a night of incredible praise, prayer and celebration,” said Pastor Calvin Lam.
“It’s a real milestone for us, because it’s an indication of the work that God is doing in the heart.”
As Calvin and the lead team continue to seek God for direction for the future of their church, they are encouraged by the testimony of one life turned to Christ and the witness of the deep work that has begun when someone chooses to step up and declare his belonging to Jesus and his desire to follow Him further.
Please continue to pray for this New Venture.
You can learn more about them on The Gathering Profile Page.