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A church in Thornhill, ON has developed a heart to multiply and mobilize disciples beyond their four walls.

This New Venture, established in March 2017, was launched to build a foundation for new churches and to identify new church leaders for the city of Toronto and surrounding areas. The initiative will begin with a time of discernment, identifying key areas, projects, partnerships, and leaders and work toward executing a strategic multiplication plan within 12-24 months. This New Venture is linked with Bayview Glen Church through Kevin Chan, who serves in their Multiplication and Mobilization pastoral position.

Read more about Kevin below and please pray for this new New Venture.



Bayview Regional Kevin Chan

Kevin Chan was born and raised in Toronto and was called to pastoral ministry in 2001 following the completion of his studies at the University of Toronto. He began his M.Div studies at Tyndale Seminary and started his first pastorate at Bayview Glen Church in March 2010. Kevin graduated from Tyndale in 2012 and in November 2013, God directed Kevin and his family to uproot from Toronto in order to live and minister in the United Arab Emirates. After eighteen months in the field, God gave Kevin a deeper revelation of his pastoral calling which lead the family back to Toronto. In March 2017, Kevin began serving as the Multiplication & Mobilization Pastor at Bayview Glen Church. He is married to Grace and together they have four children.