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Both born and raised in Bethune, the Bokinacs felt called to Moose Jaw in 2005, and in the same way called back to the Bethune area to plant a church in 2014. They began holding meetings in their home, but eventually sought a larger space in which to worship. They entered into conversation with Bethune United Church and have an ongoing agreement to use their space for The Bridge Community Church.

The Bridge is an intergenerational congregation, encouraging participation and acceptance from all ages. They have hosted a Vacation Bible School, as well as an ongoing after school program which was a spinoff of VBS. They have done several outreach events such as a Christmas Dinner, a Royal Tea Party, and movie nights. The Bokinacs strive to go out into the community meeting people where they are at: the garden, the field or just wherever they are at.

The vision of the Bridge is to grow as a church one bit at a time, one person at a time, through the love, acceptance and respect that Jesus gave to people as he encountered them in his ministry. Their desire is to be a church that is present in any situation, regardless of what it may be.


Partner With Us

Any donations can be sent via cheque to the Canadian Midwest District and designated for The Bridge Community Church (Bethune).

766 Central Ave

Bethune, SK

S0G 0H0

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Service Times

Sundays at 4:00pm