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New Life Fellowship is starting a new beginning as a developing church. Their main desire is to share the gospel, especially with First Nations people. The majority of people attending the church are considered transient - they often leave the community and eventually return back.

The history of New Life Fellowship is extensive as many pastors have come and gone. The church has also experienced setbacks due to some flooding. It was through many prayers and the support of the Canadian Midwest District that the church remained “on pause” until recently.

Under the leadership of Pastor Kirby James, the church began regular services again in February 2016. Currently, a co-ed Bible Study is led every Wednesday evening, a Wounded Womens group, a youth group, Men's Breakfasts, and daily visitation.

Their focus now is especially to cater to those 30-55 years of age to promote the longevity of the church. In the future, they hope that the church is administrated by First Nation staff.

The church is still completing renovations and still praying for support to develop a wheelchair ramp and a chair lift for elders/disabled to use a downstairs washroom.

Partner With Us

Donations can be given by cheque to "New Life Indian Alliance Church" and mailed to the church building.


1779 - 15 St West

Prince Albert, SK

S6V 3T6

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Service Times

Sundays at 1:30pm